Svefninn Ástarsaga / The Sleep - A Love Story

Eftir Árna Þórarinsson

Nóttina áður en hann vaknaði svaf hann vel. Rúmið á Hótel Egilsen var eins og sundlaug full af kókossafa. Lengra verður ekki komist, hugsaði hann, hærra verður ekki náð. Nú get ég sofnað svefninum langa, sæll og glaður. Og það gerði hann: Lokaði augunum og lagðist aftur til sunds til móts við auga kókoshafsins

By Árni Þórarinsson

The night before he woke up he slept well. The bed in Hotel Egilsen was like a swimming pool full of coconut juice. This is as far as it gets, he thought, this is as high as it goes. Now I can sleep the big sleep, in love and peace. And that is what he did: He closed his eyes and went back to swimming towards the eye of the coconut sea.